
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thankful Thought Thursday

I was just reading an article on Mamamia about Rahna Reiko Rizzuto, who left her 3 and 5 year old sons so that she could move overseas and pursue her career. The thought of leaving your child is something that I could never imagine. And I guess we have a societal view that mothers just couldn't leave their kids, that it's more of a dad thing. I mean, how could you leave someone who was literally a part of you for 9 months????

Anyway, that got me thinking, and like I do, it got me off on a tangent. That tangent found me landing on the thoughts of parental responsibilities, and what we do for our kids. And also how we judge other parents so quickly for what they do or don't do.

Today Bailey's preschool hosted a Father's Day breakfast for  - well - the dads. Cal told her that he would take the morning off to come and spend it with her. She was so excited, and has been looking forward to it for weeks.
Then the financial market started shitting itself.

Given what's been happening in the last few weeks, I thought that there may have been a possibility that he wouldn't make it. But true to form, being the amazing dad that he is, even though they are a little under the pump, he took the morning off to spend it having breakfast and playing games with Bailey and her friends, and their dads.

But not all of the dads were there. :(
I try not to judge, but what sort of a father can't take a couple of hours off and hang out with their preschooler? It's bloody hard not to judge, but I have a really hard time not judging. How heartbreaking for these kids?!?! Shouldn't a parent - mother or father - be willing to give up a little bit of their time for their kids?
Kids don't need grand gestures, they need some time and love.

Which gets me to what I'm thankful for.
Basically, Cal.
Specifically in this week, as we head towards Father's Day, Cal as a father. My girls really couldn't ask for a better dad. He is there for them in whatever aspect they need. They have his time and his love and I am grateful for such a wonderful, loving father for my kids.

They don't yet know how lucky they are, but they will, and when they do, they will be thankful too.


Joyce said...

Couldnt agree with you more Kirst- I will point out the other side. My wonderful husband ( who is an awesome dad and always has time for the kids) never gets told from his ex when things are on, we chase a lot of stuff up through the school, but its told to him afterwards.....that makes it hard too

DLStyles said...

That was so good of him to still take the time off to be with his little girl they are only little for such a short period of time that time you spend now is precious. II am wrapped when Colin can come to events that are important to the kids he used quite often come to the event and then work back to make up the time but the most thing was and what they remember is that Dad was there.